What Is Satin Fabric? Everything You Need to Know.

What Is Satin Fabric? Everything You Need to Know.

Soft, shiny, and smooth to the touch, satin fabric is a luxurious choice for glamorous and flattering fashion garments. Satin can be an affordable alternative to expensive materials like silk, and can be used for a variety of projects and styles. But what is satin really made of, and where can you buy it? Read on to learn more in our Zelouf guide to satin fabric. 
Is Fabric Softener Safe? Debunking Myths and Unveiling the Truth

Is Fabric Softener Safe? Debunking Myths and Unveiling the Truth

If you’ve been wondering whether you should change up your laundry routine, you’re not alone. It seems like every day there’s a new viral post on social media about what products you should or should not use on your laundry. So, is fabric softener safe, or is it harming our clothes (and skin?) We weigh the pros and cons.